MSG software: XRIT2PIC

Current version: 2024.3 (Windows: still 2b)

Now also Linux 64-bits available (on Windows 64-bits, 32-bits also works)
To download section

XRIT2PIC translates LRIT/HRIT files originating from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) weathersatellites into picture files.
A short feature overview:

Supported picture formats.

Receivedembedded formattranslated toSecond formatCommentExample
XRIT LRIT JPEG 8 bits JPEG 8 bits PGM 8 bits

XRIT LRIT Wavelet 8/10 bits PGM 8/16 bits
Foreign sats, like GOES
XRIT HRIT Wavelet 10 bits PGM 16 bits

HDF - PGM 16 bits JPEG 8 bits Tested on GOES L1B GOES16
All Any AVI
each frame is JPEG


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Content of Downloads.

LinuxLinux PiWindowsno MTI, 32bits
xrit2pic xrit2pic xrit2pic xrit2pic
Overlays and Kepler
Source code xrit2pic


Manual xrit2pic.
Quick reference guide and known problems.
Running Eumetcast on linux kernel 2.6.
Running Eumetcast on linux kernel 2.4.

Italian Manual xrit2pic. (translated by Dario Tortato)

Additional files.

Type Link Description
Overlays geo sats Overlays contains MSG0, MSG9 and GOES overlays files.
Shore overlay for all satellites gshhs_i.b For more info: GSHHS
This site needs a login now. You can find the file also in: setup_maps.exe
Cities (from satsignal website) Contains Cities.dat, adapt in Preferences the 'gpx' name
LUT's LUT's 2-line LUT files
Kepler for polar sats weather.txt From
Earth map earthmap.gif for polar track plotting
Blue marble maps monthlies for scatterometer plots and/or polar track plotting (8km/pix, 2km/pix)

Put all needed files in one of the following directories:

See manual for details about these search directories.

Notes of this release


Needed PC.

xrit2pic runs fine on a very simple PC; it doesn't need much memory (32M should be fine). However, especially for the wavelet decompression a fast PC is needed to translate this format in an acceptable time (2GHz: a few seconds).

Some technical information.

Each picture is represented into several (e.g. 8, or 24) small files.

PGM notes

Note that 2 types of 16-bits PGM exist: Big Endian (MSByte first) and Little Endian (LSByte first). I think it is not well defined how PGM should be saved. Windows programs seem to use Big Endian, Linux (xv, IJG routines) Little Endian.
For the moment xrit2pic only generates Big Endian, but it is easy to also generate Little Endian PGM. If you need the latter one let me know!

JPEG notes

The used IJG code needed to be changed:

HDF5 notes

A new hdf5-lib is needed to support decompression of MTG. This replaces the older one, also suitable for other satellites


Download for Linux 64-bits from 2023 on

VersionProgramDownload Linux 64 bitsCompiled usingComment
2024.3 xrit2pic xrit2pic64_2024_3.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd64_2024_3.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1
2024.2b xrit2pic xrit2pic64_2024_2b.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd64_2024_2b.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1
2024.1e xrit2pic xrit2pic64_2024_1e.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd64_2024_1e.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1
2024 HDF5 libs libhdf5_decompr.tgz
Needed from xrit2pic version 2023 on (5 libs)
Contains installation script with guide.
JPEG and wvt
decompression libs

2.0 Needed gtk-libs sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

Notes libraries MTG for Linux

For Linux you should define following variable in your .profile:
export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/fcidecomp/hdf5/lib/plugin/
After installation of the libs for MTG you should have something like:
/usr/lib/ ->

/usr/local/lib/ ->
/usr/local/lib/ ->

/usr/lib/ ->

/usr/local/fcidecomp/lib/ ->
/usr/local/fcidecomp/lib/ ->

/usr/local/fcidecomp/hdf5/lib/plugin/ ->
/usr/local/fcidecomp/hdf5/lib/plugin/ ->

libhdf5_decompr.tgz contains a script:, running without changing will only check (not install) presence of these libs.

Missing results in a execution failure of xrit2pic.
Missing one of the other libs or missing above mentioned variable results in running xrit2pic, but the generated MTG image will be empty.

Download for Windows 64-bits from 2023 on

VersionProgramDownload Windows 64-bitsComment
2024.2b xrit2pic To do See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd setup_xrit2pic_cmd64_2024_2b.exe
2024.1e xrit2pic To do See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd setup_xrit2pic_cmd64_2024_1e.exe
2023 all needed libs setup_xrit2pic_libs64.exe See below.

Note Windows libs

setup_xrit2pic_libs64.exe contains folllowing libs:
dllcontainsInstall location
jpeg812.dlljpeg 8/12-bitsnear xrit2pic_cmd.exe
wvt.dllWavelet decompression
libstdc++-6.dllneeded for wvt.dll
hdf5.dllhdf5, suitable for fcdi decompression
H5Zjpegls.dllMTI decompressionProgramData/hdf5/lib/plugin/

Download for Linux/Windows i386 etc., 2022 and earlier

For older versions see:
Linux, Windows

VersionProgramDownload Linux 32 bitsCompiled usingDownload Linux 64 bitsCompiled usingDownload Windows (also 64-bits)Comment
2022.2a xrit2pic Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2022_2a.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2022_2a.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2022_2a.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2022_2a.exe
2022.2 xrit2pic Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2022_2.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2022_2.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2022_1.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1
2021.5e xrit2pic xrit2pic32_2021_5e.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2021_5e.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2021_5e.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd32_2021_5e.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2021_5e.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2021_5e.exe
2021.4b xrit2pic xrit2pic_2021_4b.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2021_4b.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2021_4b.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_2021_4b.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2021_4b.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2021_4b.exe
2021.3 xrit2pic xrit2pic_2021_3.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2021_3.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2021_3.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_2021_3.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2021_3.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2021_3.exe
2021.2d xrit2pic xrit2pic_2021_2d.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2021_2d.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2021_2d.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_2021_2d.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2021_2d.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2021_2d.exe
2021.1 xrit2pic xrit2pic_2021_1.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic64_2021_1.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_2021_1.exe See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_2021_1.tgz Ubuntu 16.04.1 xrit2pic_cmd64_2021_1.tgz Ubuntu 20.04.1 setup_xrit2pic_cmd_2021_1.exe
2020.2 HDF5 libs
setup_hdf5.exe Needed from xrit2pic version 2020.2 on.
JPEG and wvt
decompression libs
2.0 Needed gtk-libs sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev


Installation Guide


Download for Linux on ARM, Raspberry Pi

The libs contain wavelet, jpeg and hdf5. You may install them all in the same directory as xrit2pic, or in usual locations like /usr/lib
VersionProgramDownload Linux/PICompiled usingDownload libsComment
2024.1b xrit2pic 64-bits xrit2pic_pi64_2024_1b.tgz 5.13.0-1008-raspi #9-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd 64-bits xrit2pic_cmd_pi64_2024_1b.tgz 5.8.0-1010-raspi #13-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2022.1 xrit2pic_cmd 64-bits xrit2pic_cmd_pi64_2022_1.tgz 5.8.0-1010-raspi #13-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2021.5e xrit2pic 64-bits xrit2pic_pi64_2021_5e.tgz 5.13.0-1008-raspi #9-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
xrit2pic_cmd 64-bits xrit2pic_cmd_pi64_2021_5e.tgz 5.8.0-1010-raspi #13-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2021.4b xrit2pic_cmd 64-bits xrit2pic_cmd_pi64_2021_4b.tgz 5.8.0-1010-raspi #13-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2021.1 xrit2pic_cmd 64-bits xrit2pic_cmd_pi64_2021_1.tgz 5.8.0-1010-raspi #13-Ubuntu libs_pi64_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.

VersionProgramDownload Linux/PICompiled usingDownload libsComment
2021.1 xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_pi32_2021_1.tgz Raspberry Pi 3.2.27 libs_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2020.5b xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_pi_2020_5b.tgz Raspberry Pi 3.2.27 libs_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.
2020.3b xrit2pic_cmd xrit2pic_cmd_pi_2020_3b.tgz Raspberry Pi 3.2.27 libs_xrit2pic.tgz See release notes.

Source code

  • For both Linux and Windows. See the readme file how to compile for Linux/Windows to create a gui or command line version.

    2020.1c xrit2pic code
    600k See also pre-compiled libs:
  • for Linux: decompr_k2.6.tar.gz>,
  • for Windows: setup_decompr.exe
  • for both: (see note below)
  • 2004.03 jpeg8/12-bits code 382k Independent Jpeg Group code, partly adapted to support both 8 and 12 bits/pixel.
    Instead of compiling this you can use the pre-compiled lib files.

    Note wavelet:
    For the Wavelet source code contact Eumetsat; you need to sign a license agreement. Instead, use the pre-compiled lib files.

    Note bzip2: contains 6 bzip2.a's: for Linux: Intel and Arm (PI) and Windows, 64 and 32 bits.
    Move the right one to libbz2.a.

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