Release notes xrit2pic 2024.3 . New format MTG added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.2b . NOTE: major clean-up! . IR temperature: to 8-bits pgm if pgm requested . calibrated deci-kelvin output for IR added . preview: space in IR to black if inverted . generated files: MTG: corrected temp. mapping . corrected pixel values in preview for MTG . Overlay using MSG hrv overlay files . Overlay vecor-based added . Overlay lon/lat fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1e . Fixed gamma-crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1d . Better true-colour for mtg . Calibration IR, some special mappings like airmass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1c . Added support HRFI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1b . Fixed selection lat (close to) +90, -90 degrees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1a . Fixed split_destdir with avi generation . Fixed area definition up to poles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2024.1 . First Windows release command line with support mtg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2023 beta e . round times to multiple 10 minutes . auto-lum fixed . Adapted/corrected MTG-I channel numbering . fixed some compse-related bugs . Added trgb day/night, nrgb day/night ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2023 beta b . Adapted/corrected some MTG-I related stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2023 beta . Added MTG-I support. Also needs adapted hdf5 lib and plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2022.2a . Corrected support decompressed xrit files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2022.2 . added text in preview window (timestamp etc.) . bug fix preview: if an area is selected (e.g. Europe) then only that part is shown . bug fix Windows-exe: popup-window if selected multiple items didn't show up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2022.1a . bug fix options menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2022.1 . Added option -movie_keep: save movie before starting a new one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5e Fixed gamma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5d . Fix crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5c . Fix crash during 'live' reception . Fix menu 'delete selected', 'delete old' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5b . Fix NOAA/METOP luminance clipping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5a . Fix for 64-bits gui only: solve possible crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.5 . Added record-items for native format . Fix sat-subsat point . Adapted overlay luminance . Fixed HRV generation from popup-window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.4b . Fix HRV overlay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.4 . fixed hdf satellite names . fixed calibration for data in native format . added error messages no_gui if specified sat/chan/segm. doesn't exist (no_gui mode) . added -list command to list available sats/channels . added notification if equested overlay doesn't exist (no_gui mode) . added HRV lum for special mappings (use with care!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.3 . Added overlay GOES16/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.2d . Handle B07 channel of Himawari: lum > 2^depth-1... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.2c . fix Hires if colourmap is open (gui) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.2b . fix colourmap (gui) . added check allocation memory preview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.2 . Added configurable channel for luminance: . MSG: default HRV (as was) . Himawari: default VIS . Added option for changing luminance channel: -lumchan Fixed in Preview: . 'Frz clr': crash . menu View->Lumgraph ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2021.1 . Adapted def. area to zoom in: by defining 2 to 4 points which need to be in the view instead of defining center and dlon/dlat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.5c . few corrections avi part for for 64-bits compile . native format: adaptions geo location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.5b . Fixed: overlay for RSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.5a . Fixed: native time, -movie_start option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.5 . Added options: . -file : only process this file . -movie_speed= speed movie min/sec . -movie_size= max. size movie [hours] (0=unlimited) . -movie_start= start movie [hours UTC] (-1=floating) . -movie_rptend= # repeates last frame Release notes xrit2pic 2020.4b . Temp. fix geo-postions (not correct for HRV yet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.4a . Fixes for MSG Native format: . HRV corrected (north/south shifts) . overlay using Eumetsat gif images now works ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.4 . Added hdf support FY3D . Added support for MSG native format Note: HRV shift north/south-part not implemented yet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.3d . Fix 'live' avi/image generation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.3c . Fix selection of one or some segments will now generate an image with just the needed size . Fix generation temp file for Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.3b . Fixed generation multiple files/movies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.3 . Added hdf support MTG . Fixed Himawari: remove temp. files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.2 . Added hdf support (currently tested on GOES16); extra hdf5 lib/dll needed. . Linux: libs may now also be installed at the same location as xrit2pic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.1e . Fixed generation ini-file in commandline mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.1d . Fixed 'upside down' of files from DT-software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.1c . HRV: if no prologue file then standard shift is 0 . Fix bug crash windows if run in windows-shell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.1a . Fix bug long sat-name (e.g. MSG3_RSS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2020.1 . Fix creating movie unlimited (gui tab Record, Generate, case max. len=0) . Fix overlays vector type, overlays with export . Several clean-ups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.6 . GOES16 support . Himawari via GOES16 support . separate quality pic and movie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.5 Use for GOES13 overlay files of GOES12, for GOES15 overlay files of GOES 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.4 Fixes for GOES with different sizes/locations and aspects Added area's: now 50 are possible by editing/generating xrit2pic.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.3a Fixed problems with GOES. Added option '-safe_mode' (which is always 'on' for GOES). (This option slows down startup xrit2pic if lots of files are present.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.3 Fixed area-zoomed in preview Fixed start-time GOES16 Added utton to add fire detection to continuous generated movie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.2 Enhanced GOES16 support (segmented files) Added start-time for auto created movie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.1b bug fixe: nogui, options -r/-g/-b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2017.1 Added support GOES16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.6 Fixed 8 bpp charts (like NWSchrt_DANGER_PAC_LATESTBW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.5_beta Fixed delete temp files Speed-up at start non-gui mode Lots of clean-up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.4c,d -> Added: charts, foreign data for GOES -> some fixes: nrgb_dn commandline, area selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.4 -> Clean-up, several fixes (mark, cities) -> Added pauze of movie at end, before repeat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.3a,b -> Fix reading GOES lrit (gos... files) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.3 -> Added "live"-generation of movies, with limited length if desired -> Added execution of external movie player (mplayer) Includes stop/start after a new frame is added to the movie -> Added extra text block; 2 text blokcks can be added to a picture, at 2 different locations. A '\n' (2 characters, not the ASCII code!) gives a new line so each block can have multiple lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.2a -> Fix read/take over msg file header Release notes xrit2pic 2016.2 -> added state of buttons for some tabs (replacement of gui save feature) -> fixed location Himawari; draw coast lines (also for 'live') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.1b -> fix LUT selection command line -> fix/adapted handling lut/temperature mappings -> added rgb for lum command line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2016.1 -> fixed no_gui mode -> fixed simultaneous update 'live' data and doing preview/export -> re-arranged and enhanced record options (tab 'Record') -> generation movie 'live' with limited length: if desired limit is reached: adding a frame at the backend, removing one at front-end -> removed saving of button states, added saving of all button states in record tab (saving button states can be enabled, if desired: see preferences, misc tab) -> run at start: it is possible at program start to automatically start reception, show live pictures and generate a movie. -> size of 'live' window as it pops up can be made screen size ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2015.4 ==> NOTE: no_gui doesn't work properly! -> Added support of E-UNS messages -> Changed choice of data for live: choice 'any' MSG' added (e.g. HMSG?=HMSG1...HMSG4) channel choice and mapping for live enhanced. -> Changed choice of data to delete immediately: NOTE: Now you need to tick satellites of which you want to DELETE the data immediately! Previous versions: you had to tick satellites of which you want to KEEP the data. (If you don't/didn't tick 'Delete items' in the REcord tab then nothing changes.) -> add annotation to exported pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2015.3a -> fixed handling METOP -> choice unzipping: keep zippedor not -> preferences window: re-ordered a bit to make it fit on netbook screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2015.3 -> bzip2 now built-in, no external bzip2 needed anymore -> default colourmap Himawari added -> colour 'live' reception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2015.2 -> Added Himawari support; for cmd-line use -sat DK01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2015.1 -> New colour mapping: visual for day and night (adds IR_087) -> Fix: colour map in gui ("Mapping"): 'Keep settings' also for invert button -> Fix overlay from vector file: 'random' lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2014.1a -> Fix for mtsat: big vis. now supported ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2014.1 -> Fixed area 'europe' etc. with plate carree and mercator mappings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic_cmd 2014.1 -> fixed crash in windows command shell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.2d -> fixed double-free (view colour pic from jpeg source) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.2c -> Fixed clipping in temp_bw mode (GOES mode A) -> Force bitshift to 0 in case of GOES mode A generation (gui and nongui mode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.2b -> Fixed generation rah from metop avhrr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.2a -> Set eview default to: blue=203-323K, gamma for red, green=HRV: 1.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.2 -> Added Eview mapping -> Added option to generate xrit2pic.ini using commandline option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2013.1 -> colour select window: added button to keep settings while changing selection -> Corrected inverting of 8 bpp, if select bit range ~= [7;0] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2012.1d -> fix crash in Windows executable ('browse', in tab 'Received') -> Opening browse window now shows the correct (currently used) disk letter instead of always 'c' -> Compiled with suppressed shell-window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2012.1c -> Fixed crash if requested lut-dir doesn't exist -> Generate default ppm 8-bit colour in case of LUT, instead of B/W pgm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2012.1 -> Added for JMA (MTSAT) header 131 info to generated pgm files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2011.11.d -> Fix calibration MTSAT -> Added cal. table in genereated pgm file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2011.11.c -> Fix detection MTSAT: use "IMG_DK" instead of "IMG_DK01" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2011.11.b -> Fix IR invert for exported pics -> Fix show LRIT GOES structure (menu 'fileinfo selected') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2011.11.a -> support zipped metop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2010.06b -> bugfix: metop avhrr crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2010.06 -> GOES, MTSAT2 IR (temp.) calibrated -> LUT support -> Add waypoints (e.g. cities) to preview/generated files from a GPX file -> save changed received dir in 'received' tab: no need to first do a 'Load selected' (.06a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2010.03 -> Support EARS METOP -> fix EARS (.03a) -> fixed vectorized coastlines (Australia etc.) (.03b) -> fixed/enhanced lumgraph (.03b) -> adapted snow and fog mapping (.03b) -> Fixed Kepler for METOP-EARS(.03c) -> Fixed false err message not-used overlay type (.03d) -> Fixed close "message window" using window decoration (.03d) -> Fixed "choice window" (.03e) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2010.01.a -> Fixed: size of spin and entry buttons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2010.01 -> Added preference for live window size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2009.12 -> Added timestamp option commandline version/mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2009.09 -> Added area selection for polar satellites (see preferences) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2009.06 -> Added generation 6 hourly pics -> Added script running after a pic-file has been generated -> Fixed special mappings (arimass etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08e -> Fixed overlay RSS, HRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08d -> Fixed non-gui problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08c -> Fixed HRV south generation using defined area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08b -> Fixed HRV channel in 'Live' window -> Fixed possible crash with AVHRR files in received dir. -> Fixed 'Start updating button' set to active at program start -> Changed error message in case of failing ato generate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08a -> Added new coastline support (including RSS) -> Corrected overlay GOES WV channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.08 -> Scatterometer: Select of one geo-sat and ers made easier -> Overlay: Use of shorelines for overlay instead of pictures -> Name of IR_062...IR_072 changed into WV_062...WV_072 (for other sats than MSG; MSG has already this naming tyle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06e -> Fix: spaces in files for Bufr2Asc ->Added: buttons for choosing earthmap files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06d -> Fix: command popup if ext. commands are executed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06c -> Fix: several option menus corrected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06b -> Fix: file manager: selection of disk and 'dir-up' didn't work with gtk20 WIndows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06a -> Fix: language problem solved with floating points: decimal comma special projections with HRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.06 -> scatt features: preview: use Blue Marble scatterometer window: plot on earth map added -> archive selected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.05d -> 'Live': HMSG1 etc. changed to HMSG1* so e.g. HMSG1_RSS possible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.05c Fix: -> scatterometer info plotted on HRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.05b -> Few adaptions for WIndows/bufr -> BUFR settings in preferences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.05a "New": -> subsat position GEO extracted from prologue files and used -> overlay: check on position geostat. sat. Fixes -> error message in case no bufr program found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.05 New: -> Supports GEOS HRIT from JME -> Download button for Kepler-data added (see preferences) (!Needs wget!) -> screendump from preview -> bufr scatterometer support Fixed: -> moving HRV (settings full globe, zoom in, generate movie did sometimes give moving HRV pic) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.03a Bug fix: -> HRV Europe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.03 New: -> Polar: Select north bound, south bound or both to process -> Select lattitude lower and upper limits to process -> built-in north and south pole settings Bug fix: -> avhrr: 'coloured strips' at top and bottom of pic instead of 'black' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2008.01 New: -> Polar sats: mercator/plate carree/polar mappings -> enable lon/lat via menu View in main -> Custom complex compose (command line) Fixed: -> lon/lat lines for HRV -> Enter zoom values by hand in preview -> VISTA: try temp. files in working dir if on top-disk not possible (Wavelet, AVHRR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.10d Fixed adding overlay lines (generation from export) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.10c Fixed adding lon/lat lines (generation from preview) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.10b Fixed generation from preview, after selecting 'HUE' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.10a Fixed HRV selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.10 METOP/GAC: Kepler in EPS used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.09a Fix: -> auto-generate of movies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.09 New: -> Auto delete old -> 'Europe' replaced by 4 Areas Fixes: -> METOP w/h fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.08a Fixes: -> Time (day nr.) correction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.08 -> Projections: Plate Carree, Mercator, Polar north and south -> HRV full globe generation -> Several fixes for NOAA LRIT -> lon/lat lines in Meteosat pics Fixes: -> Several fixes for NOAA LRIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.07b Fixes: -> 'delete old' fixed -> possible to round 'age to delete' to days -> MSG from MDM fixed for all HRV formats (w, ne, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.07a Fixes: -> MSG raw JPEG: use lon/lat for fixed zoom boundaries -> fixed HRV overlay for raw JPEG -> added commandline options for new mappings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.07 New: -> RGB Composite window -> Added special mappings -> pgm file format for msg raw data -> 10-bits plain format supported -> fixed-zoom in lon/lat -> names generated files special mappings adapted -> export window: browse through directories Fixed: -> MSG JPEG overlay fixed -> 'space' area black in case of special mappings -> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.06d Fixes: -> calc. LOFF in case of first segment(s) missing -> changes in RSS caused problems in 'live' window, fixed now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.06c Fixes: -> generation Europe movie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.06b Fixes: -> crash NOAA in case of imcomplete segments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.06a Fixes: -> jpeg input file: temperature corrected -> jpeg input file: lower/upper half HRV corrected -> double 'received' dirs in list will be removed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.06 New: -> lon/lat read-out of MSG pics -> Setting and showing RGB and luminance via graph: . Show in preview . Save using these settings (also for 'hue') Changed: -> default jpeg generation: "normal" (in previous releases this was "generation without decompression", resulting in 'upside-down' pics) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.03b -> 'Europe' part HRV corrected: . changed prefs. were not loaded for HRV . afternoon HRV wrong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.03a -> Clip width for movies changed to prevent "moving" pics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.03 -> Mapping of each preview window separately preserved -> Change/save default mappings for HRIT, LRIT , NOAA and METOP -> Auto Hue button in preview window, for optimal colour mapping -> Graphs for RGB and lum -> BUFR limited support (extraction from Eumetcast distributed bufr) -> DWDSAT and BUFR buttons added in record window -> Faster polar map processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.02 -> Much faster processing of METOP/NOAA pics with lon/lat lines -> Exported pics in separate dirs (NOAA, METOP, MSG etc.) -> Overlays for MET7 on new position supported -> Overlays GOES and MTSATR -> DWDSAT (limited support) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2007.01 World map (for AVHRR): -> Select start segment -> Show position (lat/lon) -> Freeze/unfreeze position (lat/lon) -> Suppress (or not) coverage squares of non-selected segments Preview: -> Luminance adjust buttons sized according to space available -> Freeze/unfreeze position (lat/lon) Other: -> In tree: show age of Kepler file -> Delete files older than specified # days -> Fog: Night and day (day-fog probably needs tweaking) -> Width at start of main window adjustable -> Adjust 'Europe' part (size and location) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.12.P2 Bug fix: missing segments in METOP did give wrong results in polar track plot Also changed: Missing segments get different colour now in track plot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.12.P1 Bug fix: popup window during record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.12 -> AVHRR (NOAA, METOP): earth map showing selection -> file generation: custom formatting added -> bug fix: non-bzipped NOAA data didn't work with rah generation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.11.P1 -> METOP: Fixed vertical lines in night visual pics (these are faulty negative values in the received data) -> prepared for MET7 and GOES overlay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.11 -> Hot spots detection MSG -> Global indication of missed segments in tree: . green=all received channels complete . yellow=missing segments, but at least 1 channel complete . red=each channel has at least 1 missing segment -> METOP: rah generation track selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.10.P2 -> Fixed crash if pointer outside picture range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.10.P1 -> Fixed zoomed save from Files window, "do it" button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.10 -> Gamma adjustment added -> Dust mapping: green has now gamma of 2.5 (according to 'rules' of dust mapping) -> Temperature mapping enhanced -> Temperature legend added -> Kepler: Each satellite may have several entries; for each picture the kepler data with closest time is taken. -> nogui: Options for lmin, lmax and gamma added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.09.P3 Bug fix: -> generation pics from preview save menu didn't work always properly. -> -r/-g/-b option nogui fixed. -> Also added a save pgm8 button (actually, not a bug fix...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.09.P2 Bug fix: -> overlay was not always working (touch of choice button was needed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.09.P1 Bug fix: -> inversed IR pics to 8bpp format (far too dark) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.09 New: -> Temperature mapping and read-out for MSG -> airmass/fog mappings are now correct (dust still needs gamma correction on channels mapped on green) -> AVHRR: allow max. 4 missed segments before creating new pic -> non-gui options for new features, and europe selection. See xrit2pic -h. Changed: -> Anaglyph and View after export are now under View menu -> Saving Gui state also under 'Edit' menu -> preview: busy indication (red dot right-top). Note: Changing cursor-look seems to have memory leak in Linux, and gives error message in Windows (probably causing memory leak as well). -> preview: Help button preview is now under View menu Compile options: -> Compilable for GTK2.0 -> Compilable without GTK at all (for commandline usage) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.07 New: -> lon/lat lines in NOAA pics (preview, exported) -> lon/lat position of cursor for NOAA pics (in preview window) -> Plate carree (sort of...) mapping for Geostat. sats -> overlay, AVHRR linearize settings independent for each preview window -> freeze colour mapping for each preview window -> some non-gui options added Bug fixed: -> Several crash situations solved: - reload during record (updating) - close preview window during window update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.06d Bug fixed: -> Windows: archive Update list fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.06c Bug fixed: -> LRIT JPEG fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.06b Bug fixed: -> File write in case of zoom < 1: zoom set to 1 (generate from preview, full zoom, view window not square....) -> Messages "Can'topen for write" etc.: File name added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.06a Bug fixed: -> AVHRR GAC width of 409 -> auto-lum for lums > 4096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.06 -> AVHRR: METOP -> AVHRR mode added -> archive: Separate dirs for year/month/day -> rah format: Kepler data is added if noaa.txt exist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.05c Bug fixes: -> allow space in name of path to bzip2 -> remove temp files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.05b Bug fixes: -> unknown files were deleted during update, even if delete wasnot activated. -> name of archive dir probably in some case mixed-up with received dir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.05a Next bugs fixed: -> bzip2 not always recognized (Windows only) (working dir unequal to program dir, bzip2 installed in prog_dir) -> program aborts in some cases -> rah format: -> satellite name NOAA: space between NOAA and number (as in norad orbit files) -> fill in computer time (needed for HrptReader) -> record: auto delete didn't work correctly -> sorting AVHRR on time, not always at bottom list -> AVHRR: Channel buttons in Translate window (export) -> preview: strange behav. after autolum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.05 -> AVHRR: -> translation to rah added -> default colour map added -> delete via menu now possible -> MFG: -> overlay non-MSG fixed -> preview: -> immediately square pixels -> pressing autolum during redraw: no extra redraw needed -> export: -> cancel now works much faster (no complete generation of current pic) -> if preview window in 'Files' window is used (for zoomed export) now size of pics to translate are checked against size of pic in preview. -> archive: -> archive dir may now be anywhere (def.: archive under received, as was) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.04_beta_3 -> bzip2 on files with spaces in name/path fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.04_beta_2 -> check bzip2 avaiability -> remove temp files if bzip2 did fail -> segment grouping AVHRR fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.04_beta -> AVHRR support added, -> Read Taylor jpeg files from Data Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.02c -> Bug fix: Overlay in generated pics was gone ('lum=0') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.02b -> Bug fix: In record window: 'Don't delete Unknown' didn't work correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.02a -> Bug fix: black overlay (in certain circumstances) fixed. -> overlay colour adaption -> dim overlay also in non-anaglyphs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.02 -> Create zoomed/adapted movies or multiple pictures. (adapted: luminance mapping, anaglyph settings) -> Several Anaglyph settings added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.01c -> Bug fix: movies: 'Reuse' didn't work properly for windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.01b -> Bug fix: speed AVI corrected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.01a -> Bug fix: remove first channel from colour map before starting preview caused crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2006.01 -> Browser for exported (translated) pics . view pics/movies with external viewer . delete selected items -> Browser for temp. files (used for movie generation) ->Saving from preview window now saves picture as shown: . zoomed . taking into account luminance settings (Lmin and Lmax) -> colour mapping for several preview windows kept separate as long as mapping window is closed -> Method of removing temp. movie pictures changed (pics used for movie are removed, if requested) -> Generate example script for raw data Bug fix: 'Fixed' mappings for dust and fog movie generation (were not always complete) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.12a Bug fix: make sav dir and move jpeg to it, only important if mencoder is used for movie generation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.12 -> Anaglyph (3D) generation -> Built-in AVI generator (mencoder not needed anymore) -> Adding of date/time info to pictures/movies -> 'Fixed' mappings for airmass, dust and fog -> Bug fix: Activating external viewer: Upside down JPEG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.11a -> Bug fix: possible crash in Hires Fast mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.11 -> Automatic generation of files (incl. growing movies) -> Inverting exported pics -> Problem inverting pics in multiple previews fixed -> 'Moving' lower-part HRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.10b Bug fix: ordering channels was lost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.10a Bug fix: Record: -> crash during cont. update, and if 'Remove received' is active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.10 -> Added offset RGB for false colour pics -> non-gui mode: added options for channel mapping onto colours (now same possibilities as in gui) Bug fix: -> Preview window: Zooming centered around cursor now also works first time (short key 'I') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.08b Bug fixes: -> nogui mode colour generation -> missing hrvlum option added, for hires colour generation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.08a Bug fixes: -> Overlay type did 'interfere' with picture type for item 'All'. -> HRV shift not always correct, even if prologue file was available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.08 -> High resolution false colour pictures using HRV for luminance and other channels for chrominance (e.g. VIS006/VIS008/IR_016). Button in main window: Hires. -> Speeding up redrawing composed pictures in preview window. See menu in preview window: View -> fast. -> Movie generation: Check before reusing files if size is correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.07b -> Bug fix: default received dir changed to: c:\Program Files\T-Systems\BusinessTV-IP\received\ ^--space removed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.07a -> Some big memory leaks removed Release notes xrit2pic 2005.07 -> File management functionality added: archive data delete data etc. -> Reordered some buttons, especially 'record' button (added tab 'record') -> Default received dir for Windows changed to: c:\Program Files\T-Systems\Business TV-IP\received\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.06a Bugfix: -> 'Limit drawable' setting forced to 'always on' (bug in 'off' mode; 'on' is better anyway) -> Message 'no overlay available' immediately instead of at end of translation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.06 New: -> 'Live' window: added: zooming/panning -> HRV: upper part shifted to fit with lower part coast lines now fit Combining HRV and non-HRV channels possible Preview HRV much faster Bug fix: -> Mapping channels on colours enhanced (negative contributions did give sometimes wrong results in previous version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.05 New: -> Europe selection (for pic preview, generation and movies) Movie generation: -> Choice of removing, replacing or reusing translated files for movie Colour selection: -> More than 1 channel for each colour -> Multi. factor for contribution of each channel to any colour (substraction also possible) pop-up windows: -> Selection kept if selection in main window is changed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.02a Bug fix: -> Temp. files were not always removed; show during receive stopped. Fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2005.02 Generation movies: -> It is now possible to keep generated jpeg files for movie generation. Regeneration of big movies is then much faster. Translate list: -> Lock on translate list during generation of files. Windows: -> For proper non-gui mode xrit2pic will now be started in a shell. Adding several xrit2pic non-gui's into one .bat file is now possible, as well as adding e.g. delete commands in-between. As a consequence a shell/DOS window will pop-up in gui mode, if you start xrit2pic via a link (icon). You can 'suppress' this window by changing the icon's property 'execute' into 'minimalized'. (don't know exact names of properties; in Dutch: Eigenschappen: Uitvoeren: Geminimaliseerd). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.11 New: -> Preferences: Load defaults button added generation movies: -> Movies are now generated by first generating all files, and then generate avi file using mencoder. This solves the 'non-moving movie' problem if Windows mediaplayer is used for playback. IMPORTANT: For this release different mencoder options are needed! Use the 'Load default' button to set everything to default. If you don't want to loose your preferences just clear the mencoder command in preferences completely, click on 'Save it' and restart the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.10.a Bugfix: -> closing progress window using 'X' caused program crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.10 New: -> PGM 8 bits generation from HRIT 10-bits Wavelet -> Save/restore of gui-state -> Preview window: Extra low-mem mode, much faster if highly zoomed in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.09 New: -> non-gui mode: generation of color pictures (option '-color') -> Auto-remove of selected channels during record -> "Life" pictures also in color during record -> exporting of all non-picture data into binary files (also in non-gui mode) -> disk choice button in Windows version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.07 New: -> Generation of movie files (avi, mpeg etc.) (needs external program) -> generate files using selected segments (also movie) -> skip incomplete pictures (missing segments) (also in movie mode) -> list available overlay files in gui (menu Files->Show overlay files) Fixed: -> gui: Lat numbers near segments shown in tree now make a bit sense Note: generation of movie files needs program 'mencoder'. mencoder is part of the mplayer package, which is freely downloadable. For Linux see: For Windows see: See for more info the manual. Note: Movie generation is tested under Linux using mencoder/mplayer; and works fine. Under Windows it should also work, but I didn't succeed yet. As far as I can see this is just a mencoder/codecs installing issue (for generation) and probably a postprocessing needed (to get it working under Windows Media player). This is all very new for me, so I need to spend some more time on it. Suggestions are welcome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes xrit2pic 2004.05.P1, P2 Fixed: -> Meteosat MTP recognized; apparently dissemination satellite changed from MSG1 into MTP (actually, it is Hotbird...) -> Segments of same type, time and year but different date are now put into different groups ('blue lines') as it should be. This also fixes generation in non-gui mode if segments of different dates are in same directory. -> NOAA LRIT grouping fixed New: -> Overlay of coast lines. Get overlay files from: Overlay is possible in preview and generated files, except of jpeg files. (This is because jpeg files are constructed directly from the received jpeg pieces, without decoding/encoding.) -> 'Preview' becomes a bit more 'View': zooming possible. -> xrit2pic.ini: init-file will be seached at 3 places: 1. current directory (dir. where xrit2pic was started) 2. home directory (Linux: /home/, Windows: c:\) 3. Same dir. where program is located Search is done in this order; first found is taken. Same holds for the overlay files. See manual for more details. Note: Some of the buttons in the gui are moved. I try to prevent this as much as possible, but sometimes it makes sense to put buttons on a more logical place. Also, I try to make the xrit2pic window as compact as possible.