Tracking programs.

xtrack (Tracking)

This is xtrack, a simple graphical tracking program. Available for Linux and for Windows.


Manual (very old!)



xtrack [options]
     -f     <norad-filename> (default: norad.txt or what's in xtrack.ini)

     -rlon  <ref-pos lon> (default: 5)
     -rlat  <ref-pos lat> (default: 52)
     -rep_time <repetition time> (default: 1.0)
     -log <log_file> : use logfile for rotor results

     -m     <map-filename> (default: earthmap.gif)
     -ppl   <value> (default:  2)
     -max_azimspeed <value> in degr/sec, show err in degrees; def=0=no limit: show speed (predict only) 
  ppl=pixels per longitude.
  ppl=1 means: 1 pixel=1 degree, so size is 360x180 pixels.

These options (and more) may be put in a preferences file: xtrack.ini. See menu 'Edit->Preferences'.

Ethernet connection using rotorcontroller with ESP processor

Normal way via local net

controller in esp=access point


VersionTypeDownload Linux 32-bitsDownload Linux 64-bitsDownload WindowsComment
2023.2b_beta xtrack program xtrack64_2023_2b_beta.tgz setup_xtrack_2023_2b_beta.exe Added location sat. from Horizons System
2023.2b xtrack program xtrack32_2023_2.tgz xtrack64_2023_2.tgz setup_xtrack_2023_2.exe Added Ethernet with acesspoint in rotor control
Uses curl or new wget for downloads.
2021.4c xtrack program xtrack_2021_4c.tgz xtrack64_2021_4c.tgz setup_xtrack_2021_4c.exe Added search portnr.: menu 'Help->Search portnr'
Extra detection 'rotorcontroller attached' added
Fixed show trackercontroller parameters
64-bits: currently no decoder connection possible, for diseqc-rotors
2021.3 xtrack program xtrack_2021_3.tgz setup_xtrack_2021_3.exe Added popup window to show trackercontroller parameters
Fixed tracking sat next to previous sat with overlapping pass
64-bits: currently no decoder connection possible, for diseqc-rotors
2021.2 xtrack program xtrack_2021_2.tgz xtrack64_2021_2.tgz setup_xtrack_2021_2.exe Added usage of multiple norad files (up to 4)
Apply offset to rotors (use e.g. for calibration on geostat. satellite)
64-bits: currently no decoder connection possible, for diseqc-rotors
2021.1 xtrack program xtrack_2021_1.tgz
setup_xtrack_2021_1.exe Added look-ahead, add offset during tracking
2020.2 xtrack program xtrack_2020_2.tgz
setup_xtrack_2020_2.exe Added feedback from rotor about actual position; calc. dot-product
2020.1 xtrack program xtrack_2020_1.tgz
setup_xtrack_2020_1.exe SGP4 enhanced ("official" code used)
Flattening earth taken into account
predict only: define max. azim. speed (simulates effect of too slow rotor)
2019.1 xtrack program xtrack_2019_1.tgz
setup_xtrack_2019_1.exe Added: create user-formatted list of pass
2018.4a xtrack program xtrack_2018_4.tgz
setup_xtrack_2018_4.exe Added separate 'observer radio horizon'
debug: aim to "satellite" at some fixed location
2.0 Needed DLL-libs

(2.6 Mbyte)
for all releases, needed to download/install just one time
jpeg lib decompr_k2.6.tar.gz decompr64.tgz
jpeg-dll in setup_xtrack

Xtrack for Pi

VersionTypeDownload Linux ARM 64-bitsComment
2025.1 xtrack program Compiled on Ubuntu, Pi4 (64bits ARM)
contains also and earthmap.gif

Help for installation on Windows:

Example formatted pass:

In Preferences, tab 'Rotor drive', part 'Format track', define e.g.: (See also in this tab the formats supported.)
In Predict (after selecting satellite(s) to show in main window): Now a file <sat_name>_track.txt is generated containing info formatted as defined:
Giving in csv-format Hours, Minutes, Seconds, elevation, azimuth and distance.
# seconds per line (or lines per second) depends on the 'Interval [sec]' to define in Preferences, tab 'Run options'.

Previous releases

Download Linux:

VersionTypeDownloadDownload sizeComment
2018.3a xtrack program xtrack_2018_3a.tgz 102k offset elev/azim/x/y
2018.2 xtrack program xtrack_2018_2.tgz 102k distance added
direct 'disable limit' for DiSEqC rotors in debug wnd
2018.1 xtrack program xtrack_2018_1.tgz 102k Sun shadow settings in preferences
RS232 commands: allow spaces
2017.2c xtrack program xtrack_2017_2.tgz 102k Added moon
Choose and save colours
2017.1c xtrack program xtrack_2017_1.tgz 102k determine east/west also if at already 'up'
determine east/west for geosatat. sats
keep sat-names in window
right part window made a bit wider, can now be adjusted
jpeg lib decompr_k2.6.tar.gz 142k
contains, needed for xtrack

background earthmap.gif

Xtrack needs the gtk2.0 library set; normally available on any Linux distribution.

Download Windows:

VersionTypeDownloadDownload sizeComment
2018.3a xtrack program setup_xtrack_2018_3a.exe
also contains earthmap.gif
and jpeg812.dll
785k offset elev/azim/x/y
2018.2 xtrack program setup_xtrack_2018_2.exe
also contains earthmap.gif
and jpeg812.dll
785k distance added
direct 'disable limit' for DiSEqC rotors in debug wnd
2018.1 xtrack program setup_xtrack_2018_1.exe
also contains earthmap.gif
and jpeg812.dll
785k Sun shadow settings in preferences
RS232 commands: allow spaces
2017.2c xtrack program setup_xtrack_2017_2.exe
also contains earthmap.gif
and jpeg812.dll
780k Added moon
Choose and save colours
2017.1c xtrack program setup_xtrack_2017_1.exe
also contains earthmap.gif
and jpeg812.dll
780k determine east/west also if at already 'up'
determine east/west for geosatat. sats
keep sat-names in window
right part window made a bit wider, can now be adjusted

2.0 Needed DLL-libs setup_gtk20dll.exe 2.6M Self-installing

Help for installation on Windows:

Download source code:

2018.4a xtrack code 205k see comments 2018.4 program downloads
2017.1c xtrack code 200k December 2018: Fixed zip!
2013.02 xtrack code 62k Includes support jpeg background
2004.03 jpeg8/12-bits code 381k Independent Jpeg Group code, partly adapted to support both 8 and 12 bits/pixel

2010.01 xtrack code 92k Suitable for both gtk2.0 and gtk1.2.
No jpeg support.

Example graphical output: NOAA_16_4.pdf