It is ment to check that the PLL gets locked and the decoder gets in-sync.
The output is a split-phase signal. The data-content is a repeating frame-sync pattern: 60 sync-bits repeating every 63 cycles.
After 1109 bits the sequence starts again; 100 sequences makes exactly 1 HRPT-frame.
The picture will show as a more or less random pattern of vertical bars with different grey values.
GeneratorschemaHRPT 1
| ![]() HRPT 2
| ![]() ![]() |
For HRPT the 4060 should oscillate at about 21.28 MHz.
This gives 1330 kHz at pin 7, which is needed to generate the split-phase signal (2x HRPT bit-frequency=665 kHz).
NOTE: Coil should be 3 uH!
For PDUS you need a 166.66x2=333.33 kHz output of the 4060. You can:
I have never tested the HRPT-pattern generation, but PDUS works. For PDUS you don't need the 74HCT153 and the last 74HCT163.
For this pattern you need a 333.33 kHz output of the 4060.
Connect PDUS_RES with RESET and use PDUS_OUT.
Download EPROM content for PDUS pattern generation: pduspat.bin (5824 bytes)
(explanation file size: 1 frame has 364 bytes, each bit of a byte needs 1 EPROM-byte, so 364x8 = 2912; for split-phase: x2 = 5824 bytes).